Optimizing Business Efficiency with Document Workflow Automation

Published: August 21, 2024

Businesses continuously rely on documents across their operations. These documents form a critical workflow component involving internal and external stakeholders. And that’s where document workflow automation comes in.

These workflows vary from collaboration to approvals. However, the need for efficiency is a common denominator. Relying on outdated, manual processes for document sharing and workflows is a recipe for disaster. It slows down workflows, creating unnecessary bottlenecks that affect revenue and growth.

MST provides a suite of document management tools, including eViewer HTML5 and Batch Converter, that enable automated document processing and sharing, expediting document workflows. MST’s tools complement other workflow automation tools that help streamline and standardize processes.

What is Document Workflow Automation?

Document workflow automation is a part of workflow automation focusing on documentation processes. It refers to the use of tools that automate tasks related to document-dependent workflows. Document management and workflow automation help increase paperwork efficiency by defining policies and utilizing advanced tools that reduce manual labor.

The exact implementation of document workflow automation can vary depending on the documents and the workflow requirements. However, the use of technology is central as it automates various tasks within the workflow.

Here are some examples of document workflow processes and how they can be automated with the help of tools:

  • Insurance Claim Processing: An employee receives a claim form with supporting documents (for example, receipts, photos, etc.). An adjuster reviews the claim and sends it for approval or requires more information. The claim is approved based on the defined rules, and the customer is notified of the decision. A document capture tool can automate this workflow by capturing essential information from the claim form and attached documents, eliminating the need for an employee to extract information manually. Similarly, an AI-powered workflow or business process tool can automatically approve or reject the claim.
  • Mortgage Application: A customer submits a mortgage application online through a bank’s portal. With document workflow automation, the application is automatically checked for completeness, and any missing information is immediately flagged, prompting the customer to provide the necessary details. Once the application is complete, the system automatically routes it to the appropriate department for further review and processing.Simultaneously, the automation system extracts relevant data from the application and populates it into the bank’s internal systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry. As the application progresses through various stages, automated notifications are sent to both the customer and bank employees, ensuring everyone is informed of the application’s status. Compliance checks are also automated, ensuring that all regulatory requirements are met before approval.
  • Purchase Order Approval: A manager at a manufacturing company submits a purchase order request to the accounting department to source necessary materials. An accounting employee checks if the budget is available and approves the request. The manager then forwards the purchase order to the vendor for final approval. This workflow can be automated with a reliable software application for internal and external sharing of the purchase order.
  • Patient Intake: A new patient completes an intake form at the clinic with their personal and insurance information. The assistant scans the form and quickly extracts the information with a document capture tool, which sends the information to the patient management system and verifies the insurance information. Using an appointment scheduling tool, the assistant schedules an appointment and an email is automatically sent to the patient.

As the above examples demonstrate, different tools work together to automate document workflows.

Benefits of Document Workflow Automation

Workflow automation has advanced greatly since the early days of computers and internal computer networks. Today, there are a myriad of tools designed to streamline general and industry-specific workflows, however, to fully utilize workflow automation, you also need strong policies, a positive workplace culture, and best practices.

Here are specific advantages of automated document workflow:

Increased Accuracy and Efficiency

Workflow automation is a $21.7 billion industry. A major driver of investments in automation is the need for efficiency and accuracy. Workflows that rely on manual processes are inefficient and run the risk of errors.

Humans are prone to making errors in creating, handling, and managing documents. Software applications, on the other hand, can deliver superior accuracy. More importantly, with the right applications, workflows become more streamlined.

Depending on the workflow’s nature, human involvement may still be involved, such as uploading, sending, or analyzing documents. Still, the use of tools greatly improves workflow efficiency.

Cost Savings

The more time employees spend on document workflows, the more it costs the company. Similarly, bottlenecks and other hurdles increase operational costs. With document workflow automation, expenditures can be controlled and costs reduced.

It’s simple—with automation, your employees don’t have to spend time performing mundane tasks such as manually entering data or physically sharing documents. Automating mundane or repetitive tasks in workflows may result in cost savings in the long run, which makes investing in automation tools worth it.

Enhanced Data Security and Compliance

Workflows that involve handling documents and information must be secure. Any mistakes may result in leaks that can compromise the integrity of the documents and even lead to compliance issues. For instance, healthcare and health insurance businesses must comply with HIPAA regulations when working with documents containing patient information.

Workflow automation tools with robust security policies ensure that document access is secure. With capabilities like access controls and encryption, businesses can ensure that only the authorized person can use them.

MST’s eViewer has end-to-end encryption that ensures the data inside documents is secure during transfer and destination.

Improved Collaboration and Communication

The most tedious tasks related to documents are sharing and collaborating on them. But that can be streamlined with the right automation tools. Physically sharing documents is outdated, and even sharing through email can result in a lot of unnecessary back-and-forth. It’s best to incorporate tools that enable real-time communication and collaboration.

This way, team members can work on documents in real-time and collaborate more effectively. Automation of collaborative workflows can instantly increase efficiency and reduce communication barriers.

For instance, MST eViewer allows annotation and comments on files, so two or more people can collaborate on a single file.

Expedited Document Generation

According to a survey, 45% of small and medium businesses still rely on paper documents. It’s all the more common in shipping, logistics, manufacturing, real estate, engineering, finance, and legal industries.

If workflows rely too heavily on paper documents, bottlenecks can develop. Digitization can eliminate the need for manual data entry, benefiting such workflows. For example, with technologies like optical character recognition (OCR), employees can turn paper-based contracts into editable, searchable digital documents in Word or PDF format.

Digitized documents can streamline workflows, especially if they have to be shared inside or outside the organization.

Consistency and Version Clarity

Working with multiple versions of documents without automation can quickly become a nightmare. Tracking different versions can be tedious. So, version control is necessary for workflows with different document versions. A tool that makes versioning easy can be beneficial for such a workflow.

Businesses can ensure consistency with workflow automation with well-defined versioning systems and the right tools to help implement those systems.

Environmental Benefits

The United Nations has clarified that businesses worldwide need to cut their emissions to help stop climate change. One way businesses can make an impact is to reduce their paper use.

Digitized document workflows rely on digital files, eliminating the need to print documents. Depending on the extent of the workflow, businesses can reduce paper waste. For example, a business can share memos digitally instead of printing them and distributing them throughout the organization.

Document workflow automation that reduces paper use demonstrates a commitment to sustainability.

Enhanced Bottom Line

Businesses are always trying to increase their bottom line, and workflow automation can play a big part in that by:

  • Reducing paper costs
  • Increasing employee productivity
  • Decreasing bottlenecks
  • Avoiding security incidents and compliance issues
  • Streamlining money-related processes (external payments, incoming payments, debt servicing, taxation, etc.)

It requires some initial and ongoing investment, especially when purchasing tools. However, the benefits pay for the tools in the long run.

The Document Workflow Automation Process

There’s no one-size-fits-all automation approach to document workflows. Remember that the automation and the tools it enables depend on the workflow itself, the stakeholders involved, and the outcomes to be achieved. So, the exact implementation can vary.

Here’s a general outline of how document workflows can be automated:

Assessment and Planning

  • Identify target workflows: Start by analyzing your current document-heavy processes. Look for repetitive tasks, bottlenecks, and areas prone to errors.
  • Stakeholder involvement: Involve key stakeholders from different departments who are involved in the chosen workflow. Their input is crucial for understanding current challenges and defining success metrics.
  • Process mapping: Visually map out the current document workflow. This includes identifying all participants, document types, decision points, document flow, and approval steps.

Designing the Workflow

  • Define automation opportunities: Not every task in a workflow may be automated, so pinpoint specific tasks within the workflow that can be automated. This could involve data extraction from documents, routing them, or collaborating on them.
  • Workflow design tool selection: A workflow management system (WMS) provides a central command center for workflows. However, you may also need to invest in tools to automate specific tasks.
  • Create rules: Define steps, triggers, actions, and user assignments. Thorough testing with various scenarios is essential to ensure smooth operation.


  • User training and adoption: Train all users involved in the new system’s workflow. Provide clear instructions and ongoing support to ensure user adoption and efficient utilization.
  • Integrate with existing systems: Ensure the tools you invest in can be integrated with existing systems in your tech stack for greater efficiency. APIs and connectors can be used to integrate tools.

Monitoring and Optimization

  • Track key metrics: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as processing time, error rates, and user satisfaction. This data helps assess the effectiveness of the document workflow automation.
  • Continuous improvement: Review the automated workflow regularly and identify areas for further improvement. Look for opportunities to optimize the process and potentially automate additional tasks. As new technologies are available, acquire them and add them to your tech stack for further optimization.

MST’s Role in the Document Workflow Automation Process

MST isn’t exclusively a workflow automation tool but provides tools that help automate document-related workflow tasks. It provides two products, the eViewer and Batch Converter, that can complement everyday workflows in various industries like healthcare, finance, and legal.

eViewer is a document-sharing and viewing tool containing features commonly used in processing documents. It’s built using AngularJS and HTML5, making it accessible through desktop and mobile platforms.

The Batch Converter is an SDK Kit that can easily integrate with existing systems and convert a batch of documents (in different formats) into a variety of formats, including PDF or TIFF.

Here’s how MST’s features complement document workflow automation:

Case Studies

Here are two examples of MST’s tools enabling companies to automate document-centric workflows:

  • AON: The insurance brokerage and consultancy company integrated MST’s batch conversion toolkit with its IBM Content Manager 8. It is used to automate converting legacy AFP documents into PDF or TIFF formats. They have optimized their workflows and minimized human intervention by converting many documents simultaneously.
  • Roche: A multinational healthcare and pharmaceutical company, Roche, uses the eViewer HTML5 to automate collaborative workflows in its marketing division. With team members present in various locations, it takes advantage of annotations and comments on documents to accelerate communication and collaboration. The team can have live discussions on the document without switching to another communication platform.


Document workflow automation is a subset of workflow automation that uses tools to make document-related tasks more efficient. Any document-heavy workflow can utilize some level of automation, whether you’re dealing with paper or digital documents or a combination of both.

The benefits will be visible in both the short and long term. You’ll notice fewer roadblocks, higher efficiency immediately, and cost savings in the long run.

MST’s solutions have features that can automate manual and time-consuming tasks typical in document-centric workflows. They can be integrated with your existing tech stack and seamlessly fit into the workflow, allowing better document management throughout the cycle.

Interested? Contact MST to find out how its products can empower your business!

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