
MS Technology has been assisting engineering firms, including oil and gas companies, with their document rendering application needs. Government agencies have unique IT infrastructures and requirements given their complex and various life stages of IT hardware and software. Using cross-platform, flexible software solutions offer the best options for government agencies with extending the life of their expensive IT infrastructure.

Cross-platform document viewers and converters offer several advantages and benefits for the government agencies with aging ECM systems, including:


Easy access to technical documentation

 Document viewers enable engineers and professionals in the industry to quickly access and review technical documents, such as engineering drawings, specifications, manuals, and schematics. This facilitates efficient decision-making, problem-solving, and project management.


Enhanced collaboration

Document viewers allow multiple team members, including engineers, project managers, and contractors, to access and view the same documents simultaneously. This enhances collaboration, fosters effective communication, and promotes interdisciplinary teamwork, which is crucial in complex engineering projects.


Enhanced mark-up and annotation features

Document viewers frequently offer mark-up and annotation tools that enable engineers to add comments, highlight specific sections, or make suggestions on documents. This facilitates effective review cycles, document collaboration, and feedback exchange among team members.

Data Security

Greater security and secure data sharing

Document viewers often include robust security features, such as user authentication, encryption, and access controls. This ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and privacy of sensitive engineering information, protecting it from unauthorized access or data breaches.


Version control and document management

Document viewers often provide version control capabilities, ensuring that the latest revisions and updates are easily accessible and traceable. This helps maintain document integrity, reduces the risk of using outdated information, and streamlines document management processes.

Universal eViewer

Remote and mobile accessibility

Many premium document viewers offer mobile and remote access capabilities, allowing engineers professionals to view and collaborate on documents from various locations or while on the go. This promotes flexibility, facilitates fieldwork, and supports remote project management.

Doc Viewing

Cost savings

Extending the life of aging mainframes and document management systems by providing the latest technology frontend to interface with newer solutions to provide more functionality without having the retire the older robust data systems.

MS Technology Solutions

Content Viewing Solution: eViewer

eViewer provides engineering firms with all the tools and flexibility they need to integrate a high performance HTML5 document viewer into their technology stack or application system. Enhance collaborations on documents and engineering drawings using various annotations and the ability to comment on any annotation for greater clarification. Additionally, for added security, eViewer can enable automatic redactions and encryptions to prevent users from seeing details they don’t have permissions to, unauthorized access, and data breaches.

Additionally, eViewer is able to used on virtually any computing device from workstations, to tablets, to smartphones. This makes your documents and drawings accessible from almost anywhere on the global.


Content Conversion Solution: MST Batch Converter

Convert multiple files of various formats into a single format for easy discovery, MST Batch Converter can help you increase productivity and streamline your processes, and document management. MST Batch Converter improves efficiency in the workplace by consolidating various file formats into PDF for greater mobility and for better database storage.